5 Steps to Take After a Car Accident

September 28, 2023 | By Hancock Injury Attorney
5 Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Being hit by a car is frightening. It may be difficult to process the experience while it’s happening and right after it happened, but you must prepare for the worst because there are five vital steps you should take after the crash.

These steps can ensure your safety and protect your claim against the at-fault party. Involving a Tampa car accident lawyer early can further safeguard your rights and help you navigate the complexities of your case effectively.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

Seeking medical attention right after getting hit by a car is immensely important. This holds true even if you believe you are not injured or only sustained minor injuries.

In some cases, it can be difficult to spot internal bleeding or a head injury. You might suffer an invisible injury with hidden or delayed symptoms.

Likewise, the adrenaline rush brought on by shock can hide pain and other symptoms for some time, so you may be severely injured without knowing.

Do the steps below, but only if you feel well enough, and then go to your doctor or the nearest hospital for a checkup. Going to the hospital will also create a medical record that will support your claim for injuries against the negligent driver who hit you.

Call The Police

Whether or not the driver stays on the accident scene, call the police to report the incident. Local law enforcement will come to the scene to investigate and create an accident report that will help support your claim.

Record the names and badge numbers of the responding officers. Your lawyer can later obtain a copy of the police report from the county court.

Document The Accident Scene

Documenting the accident scene can improve the strength of your claim. The following are things you should document:

  • Pictures and videos of the accident scene, including your injuries, damage to the vehicles, skid marks, road conditions, and weather conditions, if applicable.
  • The contact details of eyewitnesses
  • The other driver’s contact details and insurance information
  • Note down intersections, street names, and any landmarks. If there are shops or homes nearby, write down their names in case they have video footage of the accident.

Reach Out To A Tampa Car Accident Attorney ASAP

Once you have sought medical help for your injuries, discuss your case with a Tampa car accident attorney as soon as you can. Your attorney will review the evidence you have and obtain other evidence that you can’t get on your own.

Waiting too long to talk to an attorney may result in valuable evidence being altered, forgotten, or gone. You can rest assured that your lawyer will handle the legal aspects of your claim while you concentrate on your recovery. 

Contact A Seasoned Tampa Car Accident Attorney Now

If you or a loved one have been hit by a motor vehicle, please get in touch with the Tampa car accident attorney of Hancock Injury Attorneys. Let us utilize our considerable legal skills and experience to make sure that you receive the right amount of financial compensation you are entitled to and need to recover physically, emotionally, and financially.

Set up your free case consultation with our skilled Tampa car accident attorney by calling 813-915-1110 or contacting our office online.