3 Tips to Have a Safe New Year’s Eve 2021

September 28, 2023 | By Hancock Injury Attorney
3 Tips to Have a Safe New Year’s Eve 2021

New Year’s Eve is supposed to be a night of fun to ring in the new year with friends and family. We want you to have an amazing time. But, we also want you to be safe and have a plan ready to go. Last year in Florida, there were over hundreds of crashes between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Almost 30 of them with fatalities. In one night almost 30 people were lost, and the majority were due to drunk drivers. We want you to both have a plan to avoid driving drunk and avoid getting hit by a drunk driver.

Have A New Year’s Eve Celebration Plan

Make sure you know the details of your night. Are going to a part? See if you can make arrangements to stay at that person’s house, or if it is at a venue, see if they offer transportation to and from the event. If these are not an option, designate a driver and try to only drive a short distance back to your final destination that night.

Don’t Drink And Drive

We hear it all the time, “I just had few drinks,” they insist that they are fine to drive. We could scare you with all the injury pictures we have, but it might be too traumatic. Do we sound dramatic? Well we are not. Take this to heart: DO NOT get behind the wheel if you plan on drinking this New Year’s Eve. Paying for an UBER or cab is MUCH cheaper than getting a DUI, or even worse hurting yourself or others.

Stay With Your Group

Make sure that you do not separate from your group if you plan to hang with others in your COVID pod. If you are walking along the Riverwalk or to a restaurant by yourself you become an easy target for criminals. Make sure your phone and your friends’ phones are fully charged so if you do get separated, a phone call can mend that.

Bonus Tip: Have A Blast!

New Year’s Eve celebrates a new starting point in your life, don’t forget to enjoy yourself, just be safe about it, too.

Injured in a car accident on New Year’s Eve? Call Attorney Mike Hancock with Hancock Injury Attorneys at813.534.6319for a free consultation.