What Can a Lawyer Do For You After a Car Accident?

January 23, 2024 | By Mike Hancock
What Can a Lawyer Do For You After a Car Accident?

An attorney and their legal team are your best assets after a car accident.

What Can a Lawyer Do For You After a Car Accident

Car accident lawyers protect the rights of injured victims. Without an attorney, a car accident victim can easily fall prey to powerful insurance companies and negligent drivers who want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Legal representation reduces the chances that the parties responsible for the crash will get away with harming you.

Contact an experienced car accident attorney in Spring Hill if you suffered an injury in a car crash. There is no need to pursue compensation alone after a crash. Do not delay. Call an attorney immediately after a traffic accident.

What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do for Me? 

A car accident attorney is on your side throughout the entire claim process. Your attorney will stand up for you and fight for you to ensure you get the compensation you deserve after a car accident. An experienced car accident attorney can benefit you in several important ways.

Most car accident victims either do not know or only have a casual understanding of their rights after a car accident. Car accident attorneys are trained to manage injury cases. You can rely on an experienced car accident attorney to protect your rights.

A car accident attorney will also offer legal advice and answer your questions after a crash. The first instinct of most car accident victims is to search online about what to do after a crash. You can ask friends and family their opinions. The whole thing can easily get confusing.

Hiring an attorney is the best way to ensure your questions are answered correctly. You get access to the law straight from the source.

Help You Build a Strong Case and Negotiate a Fair Settlement

Your attorney can build a strong case for the compensation you deserve. An experienced attorney knows how to investigate the case and uncover relevant facts to support your claim.

A lot of effort goes into resolving a car accident case.

To build a compelling case for you, your attorney may: 

  • Collect evidence, including a copy of the police report, witness statements, pictures, and other relevant information
  • Investigate the cause of the accident 
  • Negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement 
  • File a lawsuit on your behalf if the insurance company refuses to offer an adequate settlement amount 
  • Represent you at trial 

Can a Lawyer Help Me File an Insurance Claim After a Car Accident? 

Having an attorney file and handle an insurance claim is an invaluable resource. Insurance companies are businesses. Like any business, the insurance company wants to make money. Insurance companies maintain their bottom lines by paying as little as possible on accident claims. Even your insurance company will resist paying your claim after years of paying premiums.

An attorney will avoid common tactics insurance companies use to avoid paying accident claims.

Examples of arguments that insurance companies make to avoid paying can include: 

  • Blame-shifting to dispute liability 
  • Downplaying your injuries 
  • Attempts to limit coverage 
Car Accident

A car accident attorney can overcome these insurance company tactics. Your attorney can review the terms of your insurance policy. Insurance contracts are dense. Having a professional review of your policy will help ensure you are getting the benefits you pay your insurance company to provide.

In addition to reviewing the terms of your insurance policy, a car accident lawyer will negotiate on your behalf. Negotiations can get heated after a car crash. You need the space to heal from your injuries. Having an attorney allows you to focus on your health.

Let your attorney focus on the legal side of your recovery. Hiring an attorney helps ensure that you do not leave any money on the table during negotiations.

A Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Spot Your Damages 

Most injuries from a car accident are easy to spot. However, some injuries are not as apparent to crash victims. Car accident victims also suffer from losses beyond physical injuries. An attorney can evaluate the situation to determine if a victim qualifies for compensation.

An attorney can identify losses you may not have previously considered. For example, you might not have considered the value of enjoyment in your life. A car crash can reduce the quality of your life. This loss is hard to put a specific dollar amount on. Despite being difficult to quantify, you deserve to recover financially. Your attorney can determine if you suffered from other non-economic damages.

Most losses from a car accident are either economic or non-economic damages. Economic damages can include losses like medical expenses, lost income, and cost of vehicle repairs.

Non-economic damages include losses that are difficult to ascertain. Examples of non-economic damages include mental trauma and reduced quality of life. An attorney can determine whether you have non-economic damages and how much they should be worth.

Can a Car Accident Attorney Help if My Injuries Are Permanent or Long-Term? 

Some car accidents are severe and lead to permanent disability. An attorney can help if your injuries are unlikely to heal without complications. Some injuries require ongoing medical care. Insurance companies do not include the cost of ongoing medical care unless the victim presents the need directly to them.

Unfortunately, some car accident victims accept settlement offers without accounting for the cost of their long-term care. A car accident lawyer will review the case to estimate the cost of future care. An attorney helps you avoid losing money over accepting an unsatisfactory settlement agreement.

Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me Get Medical Care? 

Some lawyers have relationships with medical providers, but that is not standard. Ask your attorney if they have experience helping their clients get necessary medical care.

Car Accident Claim

Following your doctor’s treatment plan is essential to your health and the success of your legal claim. Failure to comply with your doctor's orders gives the insurance company the ammo it needs to destroy your claim. Insurance companies will undermine your injuries and claim you are not injured if you do not complete the plan.

Failing to complete the treatment plan also puts your legal claim in jeopardy. You may not recover all the compensation you might be entitled to if you do not wait to settle until you achieve maximum improvement.

Suppose you do not complete treatment as recommended by your doctor. You might find yourself needing more treatment down the road.

Once you accept a settlement offer, you cannot go back to the insurance company and ask for more money. You do not want to accept a settlement offer too quickly. 

An attorney can negotiate a settlement that covers potential future medical expenses.

Can an Attorney Help Me if a Defective Vehicle Part Caused the Accident? 

Car accidents can happen due to a defective vehicle part. A car accident can happen after a tire issue, an accelerator malfunction, bad brakes, etc. You might have a product liability claim against a manufacturer if the accident happens because of a manufacturing defect.

Lawsuits against companies can get complicated quickly. An attorney with experience suing companies for negligence can pursue the compensation you deserve after a crash.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help if Someone Died in the Crash? 

One of the most devastating outcomes of a car accident is the death of a victim. The deceased’s surviving family members now live with the emotional aftermath. The family deserves support if they choose to pursue a wrongful death case.

Wrongful death laws are complex. Victim’s rights vary by state. A wrongful death attorney understands the specifics of filing a wrongful death claim. Speaking with an attorney will inform you whether you are entitled to compensation for a loved one’s death.

In addition to these benefits and understanding your right to pursue compensation, an attorney can identify how much you can recover. Damages in a wrongful death lawsuit can include the deceased’s medical expenses, loss of the victim’s income, funeral expenses, and the family’s pain and suffering.

An experienced attorney helps victims ensure that they get full and fair compensation after losing a loved one in a car accident.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help Me if the Victim is a Child? 

Resolving a car accident might be difficult if the victim is a minor. The law requires parties to seek court approval for settlements if the victim is under the age of eighteen. Getting court approval is an additional step to resolving your accident claim. A court must approve any settlement worth $15,000 or more.

A car accident attorney can help ensure your case complies with state law. Missing procedural requirements can end your case. An attorney can ensure that a technical requirement does not delay your settlement.

Can a Car Accident Attorney Help if Insurance Is Not Enough to Cover My Losses? 

Some injuries are so expensive that insurance policy coverage is not enough. When your insurance policy does not cover your losses, your attorney can seek other possible avenues to cover the rest of your damages.

You might need to pursue a claim against the responsible driver if your insurance company denies your claim or your policy limits do not cover your damages.

The law allows you to pursue compensation for accident-related losses through a civil lawsuit if the losses meet these requirements: 

  • The injury is significant and causes a permanent loss of an essential bodily function. 
  • The injury is permanent within a reasonable degree of medical probability. 
  • The injury caused significant and permanent scarring or disfigurement. 
  • The injury led to the victim’s death. 

Your attorney will advise if your injuries meet these standards. If your injuries qualify as serious under the law, you may file a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced attorney can file a lawsuit to fully recover after your injuries.

How To Find the Best Car Accident Attorney for Your Case

Spring Hill Car Accident

It is important to find the best attorney for your situation. Creating an effective legal team is essential to the success of your car accident case. You can get recommendations from friends, family, and online. Reading online reviews is a good way to learn more about an attorney and their experience. However, take online reviews with a grain of salt. Sometimes, disgruntled clients leave negative reviews.

Consider the following before you hire a lawyer:

  • The attorney’s experience handling car accident cases like yours. 
  • Whether the attorney has a successful history. 
  • If the attorney’s firm has clear communication. 
  • Whether you feel comfortable working with the attorney and their team. 

Getting an attorney as soon as possible after a crash is important. Hiring an accident lawyer can help you financially recover after a crash.

How Much Does a Car Accident Attorney Charge? 

Many car accident victims are discouraged from hiring an attorney because they fear the cost of legal services. Fortunately, most car accident attorneys charge a contingency fee. 

A contingency fee structure is a payment arrangement that allows a client to defer payment for legal services until the end of the case. If you do not win your case, you will not pay.

Contingency fee agreements allow car accident victims to have support as they pursue compensation. More people can have an advocate with the knowledge and skill to get the financial recovery they deserve after an accident.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney Today

A car accident attorney will be in your corner as you pursue monetary recovery after a car accident. Putting your life back together after an accident is hard. Doing it alone is more challenging. Fortunately, you do not need to do this on your own.

Contact an attorney if you have suffered an injury in a car accident to pursue the compensation you deserve. They can advise you of your legal options and pursue compensation on your behalf free of charge.

Mike Hancock


People involved in serious accidents experience loss and often don’t know what to do next. Tampa Personal Injury Attorney Mike Hancock has dedicated his career to handling the recovery process for his clients so that their lives can get back to normal.

Mike has excelled in personal injury litigation for over 30 years and even though that’s earned him numerous professional honors, what’s most important to him is meeting directly with you and his commitment to giving you peace of mind.

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